a True πŸ‡¨ story

Structures (the struct keyword) in C are widely used, especially in the embedded world. For a couple of months, I have been writing a C program target to Microblaze processor, a 32-bit soft processor from AMD (Xilinx). While adding new features to the existing code this week, I added a 1 char member to an existing structure. After compiling the code, I noticed that the size of the elf file (compiled code) decreased by 1.2 KB! The target is limited by 32 KB memory, and I was close to the limit. 1.2 KB reduction was a huge improvement. So what happened? I added a new code + 1 char and the size decreased, how? First, I thought that the code I wrote was wrong and that the compiler was optimizing the existing code due to a reason, such as dead code elimination. Then I immediately realized that the change was due to 1 char addition to the existing structure, not related to newly added code. But how?

If you are new to C programming, you may think that members of a struct are placed in memory contiguously, like C arrays. ⚠️ However, this assumption is incorrect. A C compiler is free to insert padding bytes after structure members to generate optimized and faster codes for the target architecture. However, you can force the compiler not to insert padding bytes and to lay the struct members in the memory contiguously, like an array. For example, adding the packed attribute to a struct ,__attribute__((__packed__)), forces GCC to do that. There could be several reasons doing that, and this is out of scope for now, but my struct was packed too.

My structure is a little bit complex, 6-7 level of structs and unions, and I didn’t notice that my 32-bit members were not word-aligned, i.e. on a 4 byte boundary. Therefore, when I accessed a 32-bit struct member, like x.y = 0x12345678 , the compiler was generating around 25 instructions to set a variable! The word size of Microblaze processor is 32-bits, and it can work with 32-bit numbers natively given that they are stored on addresses that are a multiple of 4: 0, 4, 8, 12, and so on.

  Proper Alignment:

  |   0   |   1   |   2   |   3   |
0 |      32 bit  word  member 1   |
4 |      32 bit  word  member 2   |

Native access (read/write) generates 1 or 2 instructions, not 25! Since I was forcing the compiler not to add padding bytes and did the alignment wrong, the 32-bit members were unaligned, on addresses like 3, 7, 11… When this happens, most of the time the C compiler generates (and have to) very inefficient code: lots of byte access instead of word access, weird arithmetic and logical operations and so on.. This is true for most architectures. I knew this before, but this time due to complexity of the data structure, I made an alignment mistake, damn! 🀦

  My Case 🀦:

  |   0   |   1   |   2   |   3   |
0 |                       |   32  |
4 |  bit word member 1    |   32  |
8 |  bit word member 2    |  32.. |

So what happened when I added 1 char to my struct? You guessed right! I added the char before 32-bit members and due to the new 1-byte member, they were suddenly pushed to 4 byte alignment. The compiler was able to generate more efficient instructions for the existing code sections that access those 32-bit members. So even I added new code, optimization of previously unoptimized sections decreased the final size.

Moral of the story

πŸ‘‰ In C, you can not assume that struct members are contiguous in memory, like array members. Depending on the target architecture and the struct, most probably, there will be padding bytes. If you are hearing this fact for the first time and your existing code relies on this wrong assumption, please make sure that you learn the limitations of structures well before padding bytes give you a headache.

πŸ‘‰ For some reason, you may not want those padding bytes. In this case, check your compiler’s manual to learn how to do this. This is a compiler specific feature, not a part of a C standard.

πŸ‘‰ Padding byte is not evil! These bytes are added to help generation of more optimized code by compilers. You may think of them as a waste of memory, but if you screw up with the alignment, your loss will be many times greater + unoptimized code runtime penalty. If you are packing the struct, just make sure that the alignment is still correct. Note that even if you allow padding bytes, which is the default behavior as I mentioned, you may minimize them by ordering the struct members carefully. But this is not our scope for now.

πŸ‘‰ If you are targeting a memory limited platform or writing a performance critical code, I find skimming over the generated assembly code by the compiler time-to-time beneficial.

See you! πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ